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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wacth out DBD (Dengue Hemorhagic Fever)

Fever or DBD (Fever Dengeu) or can also be called Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF), this would start again. The main target is children, because the mosquito carrier of dengue fever is starting to operate in daylight rather than at night.

Causes of Fever is this:
DBD disease caused by Dengue Virus type DEN 1, DEN 2, DEN 3 and DEN 4. Viruses are included in the group B Arthropod borne viruses (arboviruses). The fourth type virus has been found in various areas in Indonesia, including Jakarta and Yogyakarta. Viruses that many in the community is developing dengue virus type one and three.

1]. How to prevent:
1. Make 3 M (drain, bury, and the stockpile of goods - goods that have been used or not used again)
2. Taburkan powder ABATE shelter into the water.
3. Make spraying / mosquito eradication of dengue fever periodically.
4. Give anti-insect lotion on our body.
5. Perform regular cleaning the environment.
6. If there is, kiss goodbye her dream 1 to 2 pot plant mosquito. (Please note that one area in south Jakarta area have been trying to plant 1 min pot in every house, and the evidence in some of this year from the mosquito-free DBD)
7. Use a fish eater jentik (compete fish / fish hickey), and bacteria (Bt.H-14).

"Spraying can be done in 2 or 3 times a year only" with the exception of the area you have already started spreading outbreak of dengue fever.

2]. Symptoms
Symptoms of the disease dengue fever begins with:
a. The sudden high fever 2-7 days (38 ° C-40 ° C)
b. Bleeding manifestation, with the form: test positive bone puspura bleeding, konjungtiva, epitaksis, melena, etc..
c. Hepatomegali (liver enlargement).
d. Shock, pulse pressure decreased to 20 mmHg or less, the pressure sistolik to 80 mmHg or lower.
e. Trombositopeni, on day 3 - 7 found a decrease trombosit to 100,000 / mm ³.
f. Hemokonsentrasi, increasing the value Hematokrit.
G. Clinical symptoms that can accompany other: anoreksia, weakness, nausea, vomiting, bellyache, diarrhea, cramps and headaches.
h. Bleeding from the nose and gums.
i. Pain in the muscle and joint, arising out of red spots on the skin due to blood vessel bursting.

3. The period of incubation
Disease incubation period Fever occurred during the 4-6 days.


Transgender people Fever is the way:

* • The body fluids.
* • People are given a drink -2 liters, 1.5 liters in 24 hours (water and tea or milk sugar syrup).
* • Gastroenteritis oral solution / diarrhea, namely crystals of salt electrolyte (ORALIT), if necessary 1 tablespoon every 3-5 minutes.
* * Trombosit addition to the drinking water down with boiling Angkak.

Articles in this sadur from and various other sources.

"Better Prevent from the treat"

If not us, who else care

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